Two-Step Folding Step Stool

Model # 11829GGB

  • Large Platform Top Step to help you feel secure and stable
  • Meets ANSI standards for Type IA Extra-Heavy Duty Commercial Rating - 300 lbs.
  • Handle rail for carrying doubles as Knee Brace while in use
  • 10-year limited warranty
  • Max Reach of 8 Feet 3 Inches
  • MSRP: $100.00
  • Usage Grade: Commercial
  • Usage: Indoor
  • Weight Capacity: 300 lbs
This Type IA 2-Step Folding Step Stool is perfect for getting to those out of reach tasks like filing, stocking shelves and overhead repairs. Built with a durable, steel tubular frame, this step stool provides security and stability for any job. This item has a weight capacity of 300 lbs., promoting a safe platform for you to stand on while holding other items and tools. The featured large platform on the top step allows you to reach a maximum height of 8 feet 3 inches, making decorating for large events like proms, homecomings, and weddings efficient and easy. Have peace of mind when reaching for large places - don't worry about falling off because the handle rail doubles as a knee brace when in use and an easy carrying mechanism when the job is done. When you're finished decorating, reaching high shelves, or file boxes in the office, this product folds flat, promoting effortless, non-invasive storage wherever is convenient.
Height41.81 "
Width20.87 "
Depth4.02 "
Weight16.06 lbs